Kenneth Waiswa the reigning cricketer of the year as selected by the Uganda Sports Press Association (USPA) has earned himself a lifetime opportunity to further his cricket career.
Through his strong performances in 2017 where he was MVP at the U19 World Cup Qualifiers in Nairobi and a championship winning season with Aziz Damani he was selected to be part of the Tatenda Taibu High Performance Program targeted for the best talent in Associate nations
The program which is run by former Zimbabwe captain Tatenda Taibu aims at helping youngsters from associate nations who find it hard to get opportunities to further their careers because of a lack competition and facilities. The program started in 2017 saw a team of youngsters from Zimbabwe tour the UK for 6 months and since then they have all gone on to make their senior debuts for the national team. The international program is innovative in the sense that it trains and develops players from Associate Member Countries in the backyard of the Full Member Countries, where cricket facilities and playing cultures are so advanced and competitive.
The 24 weeks program will have Kenneth join other youngsters from the rest of the world as they get prepared to become professional cricketers as well as develop them to be great individuals. This chance will allow Kenneth test his skills against some of the best youngsters in his age group and the opportunity will also help him to get out of the comfort of home surroundings and build up him mentally.
However, Kenneth will have to find GBP 9180 for the 24 weeks program an all in cost that caters for his visa, airticket and living expenses in the UK. Uganda Cricket Association has led the way by reaching to its fraternity members to help raise the required amount.
This opportunity can open doors for other young players in Uganda who need the same opportunity and require to develop their skills in more competitive environments that have better facilities and also learn from experienced coaches.
Kenneth Waiswa made his debut for the senior national team in 2014 on the tour Durban, he won the MVP award during the schools cricket week in 2015 and was voted young male cricketer of the year in 2015.
If anyone wants to help Kenneth fulfill his dream of playing professional cricket you can contact Martin Ondeko (Operations Manager UCA) +256773976713 for contributions or contact Kenneth on +256783122373.